You’ve applied to Drury to become an adjunct instructor, now what? Use the Adjunct Online Processes Flowchart to help visualize your journey to becoming a Drury Adjunct.
Please become familiar with the policies and procedures in the Drury Adjunct Handbook.
For contact information about Site Directors, please visit Drury GO Locations.
Site Directors staff Seated and Blended courses.
Access important semester dates and holidays to plan accordingly. Dates and information can be found in the semester Drury GO Fact Sheets:
Additional university dates are located in the University Academic Calendar
Syllabus templates are provided to assist you with building your course syllabus. You are expected to use the appropriate and most current syllabus template for your Drury GO classes. Syllabus templates may change each semester so please check for the latest versions.
For all other Drury GO courses, we are asking that you use one of the two standard syllabus templates which are available for seated, blended, and online courses, The items printed in “black” are standard for all courses and should not be altered. The items printed in “green” provide examples, general comments, or instructions. You will need to download the template as a WORD document in order to start editing. Submit your syllabus for review. Once reviewed, your syllabus document can be uploaded into your Canvas shell.
If you are teaching business or education courses, you should use the templates listed in the sections below.
Business Courses
All instructors (seated, blended, and online) should post their syllabus in their Canvas course at least one week prior to the start of class.
Education Courses
When you have completed your syllabus, please click the button below to submit your syllabus for review.
Course Syllabus Submission Form
Once reviewed and approved, you will be notified. Then upload your syllabus into your Live Canvas Course (course with students).
If you teach for the Drury Dual Credit Program, please refer to the Dual Credit Onboarding Information and Processes Booklet, for Dual Credit syllabus submission requirements and a link to the Dual Credit Adjunct Canvas Classroom page.
If you don’t have a desk copy or if you need an updated desk copy, please go to the publisher’s website and request a copy as soon as possible. Please have the desk copy sent to your home address.
You will be able to search each site to look for the sales rep for our school for your particular subject. When you request a desk copy, it’s helpful to both you and the rep if you follow these steps:
Please don’t delay in requesting your desk copy.
For other book inquiries, please visit the Drury Bookstore Website
If you are using Drury Direct through VitalSource and you do not see your textbook in your Canvas course under the Course Materials link, send in a ticket to
Canvas LMS training can be found in the Canvas Faculty Resources course on Canvas. You will need to have a Drury email to access this course.
Having issues logging into MyDrury or having other IT issues? Contact Technology Services by submitting a ticket here.
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