National cabinet co-chairs
Walt and Susan Robison George III ’79/’80, P’04
Honorary co-chairs
John D. and Crystal Tinlin Beuerlein ’75 H’13/’75
Lynn and Kathy Chipperfield ’73/-
David and Billie Kay Farrar Gohn ’64/’65, P’91’94
Pace-setters for the future of Drury
Camille Kellogg
Charlie and Mary Beth Murney O’Reilly -/’88 H’09
David O’Reilly ’71, P’02 MBA ’04, P’03
Larry O’Reilly ’68, P’92
Rosalie O’Reilly Wooten ’64 H’17
Core cabinet members
Rita and Keesag Baron ’99/-
Diana Bugg and Jim Bertlesman ’69/-
Philip Caster ’89
Isaac Cody ’02
Robert M. and Mary Voges Cox ’67/’66
Rob Dickerson ’90
Vincent and Meg Stretton Ebersoldt ’93/’91
John Everett ’94, P’22
Dr. Ilene Quade Gipson and Dr. Henry Keutmann ’66 H’99/-
Jason Jenkins ’91
Dr. Thomas Prater and Dr. Kimberley Prater
Beth Pile ’80
Lyle and Nell Reed ’70 MBA ’72 H’21/-
James and Patt Dailey Spangler ’61/’61
Dr. Jacob Thomas ’03
Dr. Shawn Usery ’04 MBA ’18
William and Kathleen Vaughan ’74/-, P’10 MBA ’14, P’01
Mark and Mary Henderson Walker ’79/’81
Michael and Angela Workman P’25
“The past few years were shrouded in uncertainty for many industries, including higher education. However, Drury’s accomplishments are shining examples of its ability to stand tall in the face of adversity. But there is still work to be done. At Drury, it’s not just about surviving: it’s about thriving.”
Walter George III ’79, national campaign co-chair and university Board of Trustees Chair