
Drury GO and Graduate Studies Internships


  • Students become eligible to complete an internship for credit when they meet the following criteria:

    1.) 60 or more credit hours earned.

    2.) 2.5 grade point average or higher, or department chair approval.

    3.) Have completed coursework appropriate for the internship experience.

    4.) Have selected an internship experience related to their field of study. 

    5.) Ensure ability to work at least 135 hours at the internship site over the course of the semester for the 3 credit internship.

  • Internship credit cannot be granted retroactively, which means you must be registered for internship credit during the same semester in which your internship is completed.
  • Existing jobs do not qualify for internship college credit; this is meant to be a new learning experience. Contact if you have questions about this guideline.
  • Family members cannot act as site supervisors, so if you are doing an internship in a family business, identify someone not related to you to oversee the internship.
  • You must complete all internship site hours within the semester at the same site under one site supervisor (though you may rotate through various departments for a broad based experience).
  • Students are encouraged to engage in as many internship experiences as possible but only two internships for a total of 6 credits can be applied towards an undergraduate degree.

NOTE: Students are responsible for notifying their faculty sponsor and Career Planning and Development if their internship circumstances change for any reason.  

For questions about internships, contact Career Planning & Development at

Where Do I Start?

  1. Discuss your internship plans with your academic advisor. Identify specific, program related, learning objectives that you will meet through your internship experience.  
  2. Apply for and secure an internship. (see Finding an Internship below)
  3. After you have accepted an internship and a faculty sponsor has been assigned by your academic advisor, complete the online Internship Commitment Form.  (see Forms below)
  4. Read email notifications for final steps on how to submit paperwork in order to register for credit. (see Deadlines below)


NOTE: Registering for internship credit involves signatures from many people taking longer to complete than registering for a regular class. Start early to complete the process by the deadline.

Complete and turn in all signed paperwork to your academic advisor in order to be registered for credit by the deadline.

Once registered, you can begin counting site hours toward the minimum requirement (see Credit/Tuition below). 

Finding An Internship

Students are responsible for finding their own internships though faculty and Career Planning and Development provide support and guidance. Finding an Internship Site has some ideas to get started. 

  • Your internship position must be approved by your faculty sponsor as being a relevant learning experience to your major/minor.
  • You may do internships locally, nationally, or even internationally.
  • Internships can be paid or unpaid.
  • Typically existing jobs will not count for for internship college credit as this is meant to be a new learning experience. Contact if you have questions regarding this guideline. 

Share the Site Supervisor Internship Handbook with employers who have questions about their responsibilities in the internship.

Internships may be paid or unpaid depending on the site. Refer to the Department of Labor Rules and Regulations for more information regarding the compensation of interns.


AFTER you have accepted an internship and a faculty sponsor has been assigned to youyou need to complete the ICF online.

Internship Commitment Form (ICF) 
Complete the ICF first and read the notification emails you receive for instructions on how to register.

Faculty Sponsors

In most instances your academic advisor will NOT be your faculty sponsor.

If you need assistance finding a Faculty Sponsor please reach out to the contacts listed below:

Drury GO – Dr. Leah Blakey 

Graduate School – Speak with your Faculty Academic Advisor for assistance.

Your faculty sponsor must approve your internship experience as relevant to your major.

In addition to approving the internship for credit, your faculty sponsor will assign some academic work to compliment the internship experience, ensure that you are meeting your learning objectives, and determine your grade. 

Credit & Tuition

Internship credit cannot be granted retroactively, which means you must be registered for internship credit during the same semester in which your internship is completed.

Internships are worth 3 credits and credit is offered for full semesters only: Fall, Spring, and Summer.  As an undergrad at Drury, you may complete a total of 6 internship credits (usually 2 internships).  Special permission may be granted to receive 6 credits for one internship.

For 3 college credits, you must work a minimum of 135 hours at the internship site (270 hours for 6 credits). For a typical 3 credit internship, this amounts to about 9 hours/week over a 16 week fall or spring semester or 18 hours/week over the 8 week summer semester. You must complete all hours at one internship site during the semester registered. 

Additionally, internships include an academic component that is assigned by your faculty sponsor. This varies depending on the faculty sponsor but may include assignments like outside readings, papers, presentations or journals.


Rates for internship credit are the same as for all other academic courses during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Contact the business office at for the exact cost.

Grades & Evaluations

You will receive satisfactory/unsatisfactory grade on your transcript which will be determined by your faculty sponsor. Grades are based on the work done at the internship site and the academic assignments required by your faculty sponsor. Additionally, failure to complete the minimum number of site hours (see Credit & Tuition) can impact your grade.

For the academic portion of the internship, your faculty sponsor will assign outside work such as readings, journal entries, projects, papers, or reports. Additionally, your site supervisor will be asked to complete mid-term and final online performance evaluations of you. These will be forwarded to your faculty sponsor to be factored into your grade.

At the end of the semester, you will be asked to complete a final evaluation of your internship experience.  We encourage you to communicate with your faculty sponsor and/or Career Planning & Development throughout the semester with any highlights or concerns.