
How We Can Help You

Drury University > The Writing Center > How We Can Help You

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More Information

Our services are free to Drury students. You can drop-in or make an online reservation. The Writing Consultants are trained to work with you one-on-one at any stage of your writing. We can help you to: 

  • Focus and develop your ideas for greater clarity
  • Organize your paragraphs for greater impact
  • Improve your expression
  • Recognize misuses of grammar
  • Document your sources

Our goal is to focus on helping you become a better writer, not to “fix” your paper. Correcting your paper only reinforces our writing skills; it doesn’t help you become a better writer.

How You Can Help Us

Bring a copy of your assignment to show the Writing Consultant! This will help us understand your goals for the session. Your writing session may involve the following: 

  • Asking you about the assignment and the focus of your paper
  • Listening to your ideas and your concerns about writing
  • Asking you to read your writing out loud
  • Encouraging you to become a better writer by taking an active role in the consulting session.

Writing Center Consultants are available during scheduled hours. Sessions last approximately one hour.