
Technology Services: Equipment Check-Out Form

Drury University > Technology Services > Technology Services: Equipment Check-Out Form

Equipment Check-Out Agreement

By submitting the Media Center Equipment Check-Out & Return Form, you agree to replace any lost or damaged items. Charges will be placed on your Drury University account for the replacement of the item or a comparable item (determined by the Media Center). If you are checking-out items for a student organization, your organization account will be charged for the lost/damaged item.

Items lost or damaged through vandalism or theft should be submitted through a Drury Security or local authorities report immediately upon discovery.

900 N Benton Ave | Springfield, MO 65802 | 417-873-7300 (For equipment to be used by Drury University organizations)

Checkout Agreement

Requests must be made at least 5 days prior to the event start date. Any requests made under 5 days prior to event date may be denied due to lack of equipment. By submitting this form: I verify that I and my organization will be accountable for the items requested above. I understand that if my request is denied, it is due to reasons that do not meet the mission and standards of the Media Center. I understand that the item(s) above is/are in good condition at the time of receipt. I understand that I and my organization will be held financially responsible for any damaged or missing equipment. I understand that items requested must be returned one business day after the event.