
Lincoln, England

Drury University > Study Abroad > Lincoln, England

The Lincoln Story: A city of significance

Brayford Pool, the site of the University of Lincoln‘s main campus, has always been an important spot in the city.  As far back as the Iron Age, the Celts are thought to have named the town ‘Lindon’, meaning ‘the pool’, as it was the source of all water, trade and transport in the area.

The Romans, too, chose the city because of its inland marina, building their fortress high up on the hill to protect the pool.  Lincoln became one of the most important Roman, and then Viking, settlements in the country.  When the Cathedral was first built in the 11th century, it overtook the Great Pyramids to become the tallest man-made structure in the world.

The University of Lincoln:

Her Majesty the Queen opened the first University of Lincoln building on the Brayford Campus in 1996.  It was a University forged by the will of a community, not by a government directive, and the first new city center campus to be built in the UK for decades. The Times Good University Guide described it as “the most dramatic transformation of a university in recent times.”  There are currently around 9,200 undergraduates students studying at Lincoln’s campus on the Brayford Pool.

Program Requirements:

This exchange is available for up to four undergraduate students per semester.  GPA requirement is 3.0.  The grades that a student earns at the University of Lincoln will count toward their GPA at Drury. The University of Lincoln is an excellent study abroad location for all Drury students, but particularly for those interested in the following disciplines:

  • English
  • Journalism
  • Public Relations
  • Graphic Design
  • Animation
  • Film and Television
  • Media Production
  • Photography
  • Fine Art
  • Architecture
  • Dance
  • Theatre
  • Music
  • History
  • Business – Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Management

A non-refundable $400 deposit that is applied to your program costs is required the year before participation to guarantee your place in the program. Application deadline: for fall semester participation October 15  or for Spring semester participation March 15 of the year prior to participation in program. All participants will be expected to attend mandatory orientation sessions the semester before travel.


The International Office at the University of Lincoln will assist students in finding housing. The University of Lincoln offers a variety of accommodation, most of which is on, or a short walk from, the campus. This will be a part of the application and enrollment process.

Estimated Costs 2016-17: 

Drury University Semester Tuition: financial aid applies; same tuition you currently pay during any given academic year based on your aid package
Room & Board: variable depending upon accommodation choice
Administrative Fee: $315
Technology Fee: same as you pay during any given academic year at Drury
Passport: $135
Passport Photos: $22
International Student Identification Card: $28
Round-trip Airfare: $900 – $1,300
Train transport to Lincoln:  $120
Approximate Personal Expenses: $3,500 depending on personal plans

All Drury scholarships and financial aid are available to the student, except some activity grants, the residential scholarship, and work study. A non-refundable $400 deposit that is applied to your program costs is required the academic year before participation to guarantee your place in the program. GPA requirement is 3.0. Courses taken in the Lincoln International Business School are for the SPRING TERM ONLY. Application deadline: October 15 of the academic year prior to participation in program. All participants will be expected to attend mandatory orientation sessions the semester before travel.

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