
Singers and Pulse A Cappella Information

Drury University > Music > Singers and Pulse A Cappella Information

Note: All choirs will NOT meet until Friday, August 23 due to ongoing auditions.

Choral Ensemble Descriptions:

  • Drury Singers is an advanced mixed choral ensemble that performs a wide variety of choral standards, classics, and new repertoire at an advanced level. Singers are cast by audition only.
  • Pulse is a new contemporary a cappella ensemble (think Pentatonix) that performs popular music in an a cappella fashion. This ensemble will frequently have the opportunity to perform for the student body and faculty events, create social media content, and tour local high schools. Singers are cast by audition only.
  • Drury Chorale is a large mixed ensemble that does not require an audition. However, the standards are high and we perform a variety of choral literature at various public performances.

Drury Singers and Pulse Audition Procedure

Please complete the following tasks in the order outlined below.


Register for an audition time by filling out this form:

Audition Times Selection


NOTE: If you are auditioning for both Singers and Pulse, you must register for two separate auditions slots, preferably back-to-back.


Fill out the Audition Information Form using the link below. You cannot audition without this step being completed.

Audition Information Form



Download the audition music and learning tracks below. Select a voice part and learn the music in preparation for your audition. The music does not need to be memorized.

Note: You may audition on any voice part of your choice. However, if accepted into the ensemble, this is not a guarantee that you will be placed on that part.

Drury Singers Audition Materials


Pulse A Capella Audition Materials



Show up to your audition time at Dr. Dougherty’s office, Obannon 109.

Audition Procedure:

  • Range test (to determine voice part)
  • Sing your chosen part on the prepared song. This will be done a cappella (to test your preparation)
  • Sing your part again while Dr. Dougherty sings another part (to test your ability to hold your part and harmonize)
  • Tonal recall: You will hear a series of 4 to 6 pitches on the piano and be asked to sing them back (to test quickness in learning parts as well as to test your ear)
  • For Singers Auditions Only: Sight-reading. You may sing with solfege or on a neutral syllable of your choice (sight reading is not tested for Pulse)
  • For Pulse Auditions Only: If you have vocal percussion abilities, those will be demonstrated.


Wait for an email announcement with the audition results. This email will be sent out via email by midnight on Thursday, August 22nd.


All singers are required to register.

If you are accepted into Singers, register for MUSC 147.

If you are accepted into Pulse, register for MUSC 145.

To register for Chorale, register for MUSC 149.


If you need to change your audition time and are unable to do so manually on SignUpGenius, simply sign up for another time slot and then email Dr. Dougherty to tell him which one to remove.

Any questions should be directed to Dr. Dougherty, Director of Choral Activities: