
Drury GO Student Interest Form – Alumni Connections

Drury University > Drury Alumni Connections Program > Forms > Drury GO Student Interest Form – Alumni Connections
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Our goal is to help facilitate meaningful connections between students and alumni for mentoring and professional networking opportunities-whether it be a short, one-time conversation that helps provide guidance or a longer term mentoring relationship. Entering your initials below indicate you have read and agree to the following Alumni Connections program terms:

  1. I will strive to handle interactions with alumni in a “student-level” professional manner. (Program managers recommend using good communication skills in a polite manner, providing timely responses, and expressing gratitude when appropriate.)
  2. I understand it is my responsibility to initiate the first conversation with an alumni connection. I am responsible for giving my preferred contact information to the alumni connection.
  3. I will maintain confidentiality with alumni connection’s contact information, unless given permission by alumni to share that information.
  4. I will only use the connections for professional networking and mentoring, not for soliciting or any type of distribution list.
  5. I will notify a program manager when a problem or concern arises. (Please note that program managers recommend using public locations for any in-person meetings.)
  6. I will respond to a brief follow up survey to determine if the connection met my goals.
  7. I understand program managers will use my Drury email address to communicate with me.
I agree to all seven Alumni Connections program terms.