
Alumni Resources

As a successful member of the Drury University alumni community, you have the power to inspire, motivate, and support Drury students. Your knowledge, experience, and insight will help students maximize their Drury experience and open their eyes to the opportunities and challenges they will face after graduation. Whether you were supported by alumni during your own time at Drury or you simply want to give back to the institution that has helped shape your career, mentoring is an easy way to make a real, lasting impact on the Drury community. 

Mentoring Best Practices & Success:

Students and alumni participating in the Alumni Connections Program provide information about their areas of study, career interests and career paths, and other interests through the online registration forms. Students are matched with mentors based on alumni profiles, and alumni select options on their form to mentor the students they feel they can best support. Because you as an alumni mentor opt into the program and work directly with mentees to set parameters around how often you will communicate, you build relationships in the way that works best for you. Tips for being a good mentor:

  • Tell Stories: Students love hearing about your past experiences! You probably learned a lot during your time at Drury and in your experiences after graduation and they can be invaluable to your student connection. Plus, it’s always fun to tell stories.
  • Provide a Fresh Perspective: As a a connection, you are often more distanced from an issue at hand and should be able to provide a fresh perspective for your mentee. This can help students tremendously who may be too immersed in the situation to think clearly.
  • Give Advice: Bounce ideas back and forth with your mentee. Make sure you are only providing your thoughts and feedback instead of directly telling your mentee what to do. This helps them refine their judgment and decision-making abilities.
  • Be Encouraging: Students are often going through difficult times. Try to be positive and be a source of encouragement to help them through those situations.
  • Find Shared Experiences: Relationships are stronger when you share a lot in common, try to find your common ground. You can also find a chance to meet your mentee and create new, shared experiences!

Build tomorrow’s community of successful professionals and global leaders

When you serve as an alumni connection, you form meaningful, rewarding relationships that prepare students to be better employees and leaders, inspire them to stay connected with Drury, and motivate them to support the next generation of students. Alumni Connections help perpetuate, grow, and strengthen Drury’s global alumni network.

Become an alumni connection today. Simply complete the Alumni Connection interest Form to express interest.

Alumni Connections Interest Form