
The Mirror

About the Organization
The Mirror was founded in 1886 by Frank C. Hubbard. Today it stands as the official independent student newspaper at Drury University. Funded by student fees and ad revenue, the paper is published weekly and available on newsstands around campus.

The Mirror meets every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Shewmaker Building.

How to Join
Contact the Editor in Chief or Advisor.

Local Website:
Group Email:

Facebook Twitter

Group President
Maddy Bohman

Campus Advisor
Greg Booker
Associate Professor of Communication
Director of Pool Art Center Gallery
Shewmaker, Room 213
(417) 873-7203

At a Glance

  • Professional organization
  • Selective membership
  • First-year student involvement not permitted
  • Weekly meetings
  • No involvement fees
  • To join, submit an application