
History Club

About the Organization
As one of 900 chapters across the country, the Beta-Chi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta maintains high standards of excellence. At Drury University, members have earned at least a 3.4 GPA in history classes and a 3.3 GPA in their overall university average; members must have completed twelve credit hours in history. Initiation is only offered once per year, in the fall. Should you join, consider listing the membership on your resume to demonstrate strong academic achievement to potential employers. Members may also wear honor cords at graduation and apply to present research at regional or national conferences.

Movie and trivia nights, discussions of the past, guest speaker events, We also have a focus on community outreach, through events highlighting local and U.S. History.

How to Join

History Club President
Claire Baker

Club Advisor
Dr. Samee Siddiqui 
Professor of World History 

At a Glance
Phi Alpha Theta is separate from History Club, which is a departmental organization that anyone can join. In contrast, Phi Alpha Theta is an honorary club that requires a GPA specific standard that is applicable to History majors and minors.