
Drury University Distinguished Staff Award

Drury University > Human Resources > Drury University Distinguished Staff Award


The Distinguished Staff Award, along with the criteria and processes described below, was established to honor a Drury staff member annually at the Holiday Luncheon. It will provide a monetary award and permanent recognition on a plaque to recognize exceptional accomplishments, leadership, and service to the University. The donors making this award possible are Drury alums and former staff members.


Any regular staff member, except the President and Vice Presidents, in a non-faculty position, with a minimum of two years of continuous regular service at Drury University, is eligible for this award.

Nomination Criteria

Recipients will be selected on the merits and strengths of the following contributions:

  1. Enhancing the quality of work-life in ways that make a significant difference for colleagues or customers.
  2. Providing outstanding and ongoing excellence in services to faculty, staff, students, and/or other customers.
  3. Developing creative solutions to problems that result in significantly more effective and efficient department or university operations.

Nomination Process

The nomination and selection process will take place in the fall of each year. The Director of Human Resources will announce the call for nominations, with nomination packages due in early December. To nominate a staff member for this award, the following must be submitted to the Director of Human Resources:

  1. Complete the online application located at the bottom of this page. The following materials are required:
  2. A nomination statement from the person submitting the nomination. This statement should cite specific accomplishments and services of the nominee and should be no longer than three pages.
  3. Three letters of support (including specific examples of the contributions the nominee has made) from individuals representing the diverse group of colleagues/customers (faculty, staff, students, or other individuals) who have personal knowledge of and who have benefited from the nominee’s services.
  4. Nominations from one year will not carry over to the next year.

    If you prefer, you can email directly with the required documents.

Selection Committee

The selection committee will be composed of the Director of Human Resources (or their designee) and a staff representative (with at least two years of service) from each of the following departments:

  • Student Affairs
  • Institutional Advancement/President’s Office
  • Enrollment Management
  • Academic Affairs
  • Administrative Affairs
  • Campus Operations

The President and Management Team members of the university will not serve on the selection committee. The Director of Human Resources will chair the selection committee.

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I. Nominee Info

Nominee's Name:

II. Nomination Statement

Cite specific accomplishments and services of the nominee. In your nomination statement, consider the following nomination criteria as recipients will be selected on the merits and strengths of the following contributions:
  • Enhancing the quality of work-life in ways that make a significant difference for colleagues or customers.
  • Providing outstanding and ongoing excellence in services to faculty, staff, students, and/or other customers.
  • Developing creative solutions to problems that result in significantly more effective and efficient department or university operations.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Nomination statement should be no more than three pages in length.

III. Three Letters of Support

Please provide three letters of support from individuals representing our diverse group of colleagues/customers who have personal knowledge of and who have benefited from the nominee's services.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

IV. Nominator Contact Information
