
Room Changes

We understand that sometimes roommates or suite mates may find themselves in situations where a change is necessary for everyone’s comfort and well-being. Whether it’s due to differing lifestyles, schedules, or simply personal preferences, we offer a structured room change process to ensure that all residents have the opportunity to thrive in their living environment.

How to Request a Room Change

If you find yourself considering a room change, we encourage you to follow these steps:

  1. Assess Your Situation: Reflect on the reasons prompting you to consider a room change. Is it a personality clash, conflicting schedules, or differing cleanliness standards?
  2. Talk to Your RA: Your Resident or Community Assistant (RACA) is here to support you. They can offer advice, listen to your concerns, and guide you through the room change process.
  3. Contact your Professional Staff Member: Be sure to provide specific reasons for your request and any preferences you may have for your new living arrangement.
  4. Meet with Housing Staff: Once your request is submitted, you may be asked to meet with housing staff to discuss your situation further and explore available options.
  5. Mediation: We like to try resolve issues if we can and require mediations for most situations.


Living in close quarters with roommates and suitemates can be rewarding but sometimes challenging. If you’re experiencing conflicts or tensions, we encourage you to consider mediation as a constructive way to address issues and improve your living situation.

Understanding Suite Mate Mediation

What is Mediation?
Mediation is a confidential process where trained mediators help individuals in conflict to communicate effectively, understand each other’s perspectives, and work towards mutually agreeable solutions.

Why Mediation?
It provides a structured environment where conflicts can be addressed calmly and respectfully, aiming to preserve relationships and foster a positive living environment.

How Does It Work?
If you and your suite mates are having difficulties, you can request mediation through your RA or the Housing and Residence Life Office. Mediators will facilitate a discussion where each person can share their concerns and explore potential resolutions.

Encouragement to Work Through Conflict:
Conflict is a natural part of communal living. We encourage all residents to approach conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to listen. Often, addressing issues early can prevent them from escalating and strengthen relationships over time.

Our Commitment to Your Well-being

We are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive living environment where all residents feel respected and valued. Room changes and mediation are part of our efforts to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive during their time with us. If you have any questions or need assistance regarding room changes or mediation, please reach out to your RA or contact our Housing and Residence Life Office.

Remember, open communication and a willingness to work through challenges can lead to positive outcomes for everyone involved. Thank you for being a part of our housing community!