
Join Sorority Life

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Sorority Recruitment occurs during the first week of classes. Recruitment is designed to allow each potential new member the opportunity to become acquainted with Drury Sorority Life in order to make the best possible decision concerning membership. Sorority Recruitment also allows sororities to recruit potential members on an equal-opportunity basis using Panhellenic guidelines and support.

Membership Opportunities
All sorority chapters accept new members in the fall semester. For the opportunity to join a sorority in the fall semester, complete the online recruitment registration form. Only select chapters will accept new members in the spring semester; this is determined by available membership spaces. For the opportunity to join a sorority in the spring semester, contact Panhellenic Council at

Recruitment Schedule 

Fall recruitment will take place from August 22, 2024 – August 25, 2024. 

Thursday: Recruitment 101
6:00pm – Hobblit Suite

Friday: Sisterhood Night
5:45pm – Hobblit Suite

Saturday: Philanthropy Day
12:30pm – Hobblit Suite

Sunday: Preference Morning
9:30am – Hobblit Suite

Sunday: Bid Reveal
3:50pm – FSC Ballroom

Sorority Requirements

The academic responsibilities, financial obligations and time requirements are an important factor in your decision to join a sorority. Understanding the expenses and requirements before committing to join is important.  If you have questions, please ask a current chapter member.

Academic Responsibilities
Sorority members are expected to maintain quality academic standards as governed by their individual chapter. Resources are available to support academic success within each organization.

Financial Obligations
Joining a sorority, while not without additional expense, can be an affordable option for everyone. Payment plans are always an option within individual chapters. Most sorority women balance their school and co-curricular activities with a part-time job. If your parents or guardians are responsible for your support, be sure to discuss all relevant costs and time requirements with them before you decide to join. Investing in a sorority will be one of the best decisions you will ever make; the friendships and memories you make within your chapter will be remembered long after you write a check for your dues!

Cost to Participate in Sorority Recruitment
There is a $30 fee to participate in Sorority Recruitment. The fee covers refreshments, T-shirt and giveaways, technology and informational brochures.

Participation Expectations & Time Requirements
Panhellenic publishes a Sorority Life event calendar each semester. Events vary by semester, but typically include All-Sorority Sisterhoods, Safety Sessions, Training Workshops and All-Greek Philanthropy Events. Panhellenic hosts, sponsors or supports about one event per month for Sorority women. Participation in Panhellenic events is expected of all sorority women.  Chapter officers determine participation expectations for chapter events.

Delta Delta Delta

  • Academic Responsibilities: 2.75 GPA to be initiated and remain in good standing, 3.0 GPA to be an officer
  • Financial Obligations: new member dues average $913 for the first semester, initiated member average dues $475 per semester, Chapter pin purchase is included in first semesters dues.
  • Time Requirements: 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting, New Member meetings 1-2 hours/week, Study hours determined by GPA, Special Events & Philanthropy Activities 10-12 hours/semester.  Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities

Kappa Delta

  • Academic Responsibilities: 2.75 GPA to be initiated and in good standing, 3.0 GPA to be an officer
  • Financial Obligations: New member dues average $542 for the first semester which includes the purchase of a chapter pin), Initiated member average dues $440 per semester. Both initiated members and new members will pay for occasional shirts for Recruitment and Philanthropic events. 
  • Time Requirements: 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meetings, New Member Meetings 1-2 hours/week, Special Events & Philanthropy Activities approximately 15 hours/semester.  Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Pi Beta Phi

  • Academic Responsibilities: 2.75 GPA to be initiated, hold an officer position, and remain in good standing.
  • Financial Obligations: New member dues average $708 for the first semester (including chapter pin cost), initiated member average dues $446 per semester. Average of $25 for recruitment & philanthropy shirts purchases.
  • Time Requirements: 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting, New Member meetings 1-2 hours/week, Special Events & Philanthropy Activities 15 hours/semester.  Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Zeta Tau Alpha

  • Academic Responsibilities: 2.75 college or high school GPA to receive a bid or be in good standing. 3.0 GPA to be an Executive Officer.
  • Financial Obligations: New member dues average $715 for the first semester. Initiated member dues average $500 per semester. Chapter pin purchases are separate and range greatly as you customize the pin. The occasionally required philanthropy event shirt averages $20.
  • Time Requirements: 1 hour/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meetings, New Member meetings 1-2 hours/week, Study hours based on GPA, Special Events & Philanthropy Activities 15 hours/semester.  Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Sorority Recruitment

Here’s everything you need to know about Sorority Recruitment at Drury University. Feel free to look through the information. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail

Recruitment Registration

Sorority Recruitment Registration opens on May 13, 2024 and closes August 2, 2024 at Noon. To register for recruitment please complete the online recruitment registration form. There is a $30 cost, however this covers your registration fee, snacks and drinks throughout recruitment, and your Sorority Recruitment T-shirt you’ll wear on the first night of recruitment. 

Recruitment Schedule

Fall recruitment for 2023 will take place from August 24, 2023 – August 27, 2023. 

Thursday: Recruitment 101
6:00pm – Hobblit Suite

Friday: Sisterhood Night
5:45pm – Hobblit Suite

Saturday: Philanthropy Day
12:30pm – Hobblit Suite

Sunday: Preference Morning
9:30am – Hobblit Suite

Sunday: Bid Reveal
3:50pm – FSC Ballroom

Financial Commitment

Every Drury Panhellenic Sorority has a financial commitment for membership. These fees cover the costs of international dues (headquarters expenses, insurance) and local dues (sisterhood events, formals, etc.). Here is the financial information for each sorority:

  • Delta Delta Delta: New Members pay $913 their first semester (includes their pin, headquarters fee, insurance fee, and first semester dues). After your first semester, dues are $475 per semester. 
  • Kappa Delta: New Member dues average $542 for the first semester. Initiated member average dues $440 per semester. Chapter pin purchase, and about $20 for Recruitment & Philanthropy shirts purchases.
  • Pi Beta Phi: New member dues average $708 for the first semester. Initiated members’ average dues $446 per semester. Your chapter pin is included in your first semester dues. About $25 for recruitment and philanthropy shirt purposes.
  • Zeta Tau Alpha: New member dues average $542 for the first semester. Initiated member average dues $385 per semester. You will also have to purchase your chapter pin. About $40 for Recruitment & Philanthropy shirts purchases.

Time Commitment

Being part of a sorority is like any other organization, in that you will spend time in meetings, planning events, and just hanging out with your sisters. The time commitment is what you make of it: the more you put in, the more you get out. Dury’s chapters don’t expect you devote all of your time to the chapter. You’re still able to focus on school, your sport, work, etc. We just want to be part of your life, not the only part of your life. Here is the typical time commitments for each sorority:

Delta Delta Delta: 

  • 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting.
  • 1-2 hours/week for New Member meetings (first semester only).
  • Study hours may be required depending on GPA.
  • Special Events & Philanthropy Activities: 10-12 hours/semester. 
  • Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Kappa Delta: 

  • 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting.
  • 1-2 hours/week for New Member meetings (first semester only).
  • Special Events & Philanthropy Activities: approximately 15 hours/semester.
  • Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Pi Beta Phi: 

  • 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting.
  • 1-2 hours/week for New Member meetings (first semester only).
  • Special Events & Philanthropy Activities: 15 hours/semester. 
  • Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.

Zeta Tau Alpha: 

  • 1-2 hours/week on Sunday nights for Chapter Meeting.
  • 1-2 hours/week for New Member meetings (first semester only).
  • Study hours may be required depending on GPA.
  • Special Events & Philanthropy Activities: 10-12 hours/semester. 
  • Officers can also expect to have extra hours devoted to fulfilling officer responsibilities.


Academic Requirements

Drury’s Sororities instill a value of academics in its members. Each sorority holds its members to a high academic standard. Here is the information on academic requirements:

  • Delta Delta Delta:  2.75 GPA to be initiated and remain in good standing. 3.0 GPA to be an officer.
  • Kappa Delta: 2.75 GPA to be initiated and in good standing, 3.0 GPA recommended to be an officer
  • Pi Beta Phi: 2.75 GPA to be initiated, hold an officer position, and remain in good standing.
  • Zeta Tau Alpha: 2.75 college GPA or 3.0 high school GPA to be initiated. 2.75 GPA to remain in good standing or to be an officer

What to Wear During Recruitment

Here’s a guide of what you might want to wear throughout the recruitment process. There’s no pressure to go out and buy anything! These items will probably already be in your closet. The most important thing throughout the entire recruitment process is that you feel comfortable and confident!

Recruitment 101

This night will give you a chance to see some great recruitment looks, no matter what your style. You can wear something cute and comfortable tonight!

Sisterhood Round

Good news! We’ve got part of your outfit covered for the first round of recruitment. We will provide you with a recruitment t-shirt to wear for this night during recruitment orientation. All you need to do is pair it with your favorite shorts, skirt or jeans.

Philanthropy/Service Round

This is the day you’ll learn more about the sororities’ philanthropies and service projects. Nicer casual outfits will do great!

An image of clothes. An image of clothes.









Preference Round

This is the most formal round of recruitment. It is the last round before bids (an invitation to join a chapter) are given out. A nice dress, pants or skirts are great options!

An image of clothes.An image of clothes.









Bid Day

When you come back to figure out what chapter you belong to, feel free to wear casual clothing. Shorts or jeans are perfectly acceptable! The chapter will give you a bid day shirt (that you’ll change into) to celebrate the newest members of their chapters! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes because you may be running a little!