
Drury GO Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Drury University > Drury GO > Drury GO Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

At Drury, we seek to prepare teachers who go beyond just technical understanding of what works. Studying education at Drury is grounded partnerships with public schools. You’ll participate in a series of clinical experiences like reading practicum and student teaching that begin as early as your first year of study. You’ll become a reflective educator with a strong vision of schools as energetic, creative places.

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Program Overview

Students seeking Missouri state certification in a secondary education content field must complete the required courses for that academic major. The required courses that meet graduation and state certification requirements can be acquired from the School of Education and Child Development and/or the content area department.

Secondary Education Majors must select one of the content areas below for certification:

  • Biology
  • English and Writing
  • History

Program Outcomes

  • Candidates demonstrate proficiency in the 10 InTASC standards at the appropriate progression level(s) in the following categories: the learner and learning; content; instructional practice; and professional responsibility.
  • Candidates use content-specific research and theory to design, implement, assess, and reflect on student learning.
  • Candidates demonstrate skills and commitment that afford all K‐12 students access to rigorous and relevant curriculum specific to their diverse learning needs.
  • Candidates model and apply technology standards to design, implement, and assess developmentally‐appropriate learning experiences to engage students and improve learning.
  • Candidates demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills appropriate for educators.
  • Candidates meet all institution and state requirements to be recommended for initial certification.

Career Information

Jobs in elementary education are projected to grow 3.5% by the year 2028 nationally. The median annual wage is $54,350. The average wage in Missouri specifically is $54,280.

A Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education prepares you to teach classes specific to ninth through twelfth grade. You can also obtain special certification or pursue your master’s to increase your career opportunities. Some career paths include:

  • High school teacher
    • Projected growth: 3.6%
    • Median annual wage: $61,660
  • Career/technical education teacher
    • Projected growth: 2.2%
    • Median annual wage: $61,710
  • Secondary school special education teacher
    • Projected growth: 3%
    • Median annual wage: $61,710
  • School administrator
    • Projected growth: 4.1%
    • Median annual wage: $96,400

Students seeking Missouri state certification in a secondary education content field must complete the required courses for that academic major. The required courses that meet graduation and state certification requirements can be acquired from the School of Education and Child Development and/or the content area department (i.e., Biology, English, History).

Certification Area Drury Major
English 9-12 English and Writing
Social Science 9-12 History – Secondary Education Track

The Secondary Education Major may have free electives remaining to meet the graduation requirement of at least 124 hours.

Recommended education-specific electives are provided below for those who wish to deepen their understanding of special education.

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