
Drury GO Bachelor of Science in History

Drury University > Drury GO > Drury GO Bachelor of Science in History

Learn how to meaningfully interpret the human experience. As you study events and decisions of the past, you’ll develop insights related to contemporary society. You’ll become an analytical thinker and writer, ready to take on work in a variety of fields.

Program Outcomes

The History Program offers two tracks, one for History majors, and the other for students pursuing majors in both History and Secondary Education. Track 1: History, requires a minimum completion of 42 credit hours. Track 2: History-Secondary Education requires a minimum of 42 hours. Do note, Track 2: History-Secondary Education requires the necessary Department of Education courses needed to earn a major in Secondary Education. Please refer to the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific requirements.

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge about the past.
  • Examine, contextualize, and explicate primary sources.
  • Understand how historians interpret the past.
  • Use the skills of historical research to write papers relying on primary and secondary sources.

Career Information

Jobs in library, archival and curatorial work are projected to grow 3.4% by the year 2028 nationally. The median annual wage is $48,020. The average wage for museum workers in Missouri specifically is $42,430.

Some career paths like require specific training or an advanced degree. A Bachelor of Science in History will prepare you to work in a wide range of fields, including:

  • Secondary education
    • Projected growth: 3.5%
    • Median annual wage: $60,320
  • Archival work
    • Projected growth: 9.4%
    • Median annual wage: $52,240
  • Curatorial work
    • Projected growth: 9.5%
    • Median annual wage: $53,780
  • Museum technology and conservation work
    • Projected growth: 8.7%
    • Median annual wage: $43,020
  • Library work
    • Projected growth: 6.3%
    • Median annual wage: $59,050

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