
Drury Fusion


Drury University offers a different kind of education: one that is relevant, challenging, supportive, hands-on and designed to set you apart. We call it Drury Fusion. Every student will fuse their professional and personal passions while earning three or more credentials in the time most students earn one at other schools. This is the pathway to exceptional outcomes for professional and graduate schools, desirable first jobs, and even post graduate scholarships.


Logo for certificates.


Robert & Mary Cox
Compass Center

Logo for Compass Center.


Majors & Minors

Logo for Majors, Minors, & Certificates.


Drury Fusion ensures that you will graduate from Drury with:

  • the academic knowledge and professional skills needed to secure employment or admission to graduate study.
  • the critical thinking skills and ability to productively engage in addressing complex, multi-disciplinary problems.
  • the capacity to acquire new information and skills to be successful and contribute productively to a rapidly changing world.
  • the ability to cultivate the intellectual, imaginative, and ethical faculties to live a life of meaning and purpose.

Current Curriculum


You will blend academic and pragmatic experience, ensuring that you earn credentials beyond a major or minor in areas of both professional and intellectual, or life, interest.

  • If you have a professionally-oriented major you will earn additional majors, minors, or certificates in areas of interest that are more purely academic in nature. Likewise, if you are majoring in more purely academic fields you will earn additional majors, minors or certificates in professional fields.
  • For example, a student majoring in Architecture might also get a certificate in Graphic Storytelling. A Business major might get a certificate in Holistic Health and Well Being. The Fusion combinations are endless.
  • By connecting career and life preparation you can leverage the power of multi-disciplinary thinking to productively contribute to today’s complex world while living a life full of purpose and meaning.
  • The intentional combination of study in professional and non-professional areas gives Drury students a broader perspective as they consider matters of career, life, community, self, and service.
  • With more than 70 areas of study to choose from, you will have an opportunity to customize your educational journey in a way that’s unique to you.


Ready to dive into some real-world problems that stretch your mind and challenge your capabilities? You will graduate with at least three hands-on experiences that begin as early as your freshman year. How many you complete is up to you, but FUSION requires you have at least three.

  • Meaningful hands-on learning experiences take place inside and outside of class. This includes independent projects, research, internships, team projects, service, and other activities.
  • The focus is on learning by doing, constant reflection and iteration, and collaboration. You will create prototypes, facilitate workshops, make graphic novels and learn to decipher big data to name just a few experiences.
  • You will develop a deep understanding of theoretical principles, a strong sense of yourself intellectually and of your place in the world while gaining critical skills in the practical application of knowledge.
  • You will earn credentials that certify the value of your real-world experiences. These become part of your self-curated digital portfolio that can then be used with prospective employers and graduate or professional schools.
  • A competitive advantage, you will have proven experience in your field making you ready, day one, to contribute to business, non-profit, government or any other organization.