What is it?
Watermark VIA Livetext is the new e-portfolio system for the Drury University School of Education and Child Development (SECD). All education undergraduates and all master’s level education students have access to this platform. The e-portfolio allows students to track their progress over time, reflect on what they have learned and share their accomplishments with others. It also permits the SECD to assess the effectiveness of its courses and programs.
What information will be housed in Watermark?
During the fall 2018 semester, Watermark VIA Livetext is used for Practicum courses and Clinical Internships (student teaching). Public school mentors and university supervisors log in to evaluate practicum students and interns based on recognized national and state teaching standards. They also rate students on their attitudes and dispositions appropriate for a successful career in education.
Watermark VIA Livetext also houses key assessments for six SECD courses: EDUC 200, 205, 302, 338, 361, and 385. Students in each of these courses complete the same assessment and are evaluated using the same rubric developed by the SECD and validated by a team of education professionals.
Sounds awesome! How do I log in?
Students, mentors, and supervisors with a Watermark VIA Livetext account may log in here: https://www.vialivetext.com/
Faculty will inform students of the log in procedure when they are ready for students to complete assessments in Watermark.