
Praxis Exam

Effective July 1, 2024, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education changed certification exams from the Missouri Content Assessment (MOCA) to the Praxis.

Candidates are required to attempt the Praxis the semester before they intend to student teach.
Educational Testing Services (ETS), the Praxis test vendor, gives candidates access to free study materials for 90 days upon registering for the exam. Additional materials can also be purchased through the Praxis website.

If you need a fee waiver for the Praxis, you must apply directly with ETS. You can find more information here.

If you are curious about what test to take, or are ready to register for the exam, please visit the ETS site directly.

If you have questions about registering for the Praxis, please contact Ali Geren, Assessment Coordinator, at or 417-873-7369.