Focus 2 is a self-paced career platform designed to help you decide on your career goals by providing you with valuable information about yourself, occupations, and majors. The assessment is free for students, alumni, faculty, and staff. To optimize your use of Focus 2, be sure to:
Please select the appropriate link below to get started!
First Time Users: Create a New Account (Access Code: panthers)
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Additional Information:
The following sections are included in the Focus 2:
1. Career Planning Foundations
This section offers 3 assessments career planning involvement, academic strengths, and career readiness.
2. Self Assessment
This section offers a series of assessments. After you complete these assessments, Focus 2 will use your answers to connect you to occupations and majors that correspond to your interests, skills, values and personality.
3. Explore the Possibilities
This section offers you an opportunity to explore, learn about, and compare occupations by their title, industry, and major. You can review detailed reports of any occupation(s) to inform your career decision making process.
4. Take Action
This section enables you to create a roadmap of your academic and career development activities.
5. Career and Education Planning Results
This section offers a report summarizing your use of Focus 2, including your assessment results and any occupations saved as your favorites.
6. Recommended Tools & Websites
This section offers websites for job and internship postings, and links to resources recommended by the Career Development Center’s staff.