
Multimedia Production & Journalism Major

Drury University > Communication > Multimedia Production & Journalism Major

Today’s media creators are expected to do it all: photography, writing, videography, graphic design, Web development. Drury students do it all. With this training, our graduates pursue careers in filmmaking, news and sports reporting, video production, Web development, public relations and social media management.

The multimedia production and journalism major exposes undergraduates to an array of media tools and strategies for the professional world. As a part of a liberal arts university, ours is a program with a distinct focus on critical analysis, ethical standards, as well as reporting and writing for print, broadcast and online media platforms. Students will also learn to combine radio and TV production and programming with the best ways to leverage social media to connect with audiences.

Drury University multimedia production and journalism majors gain real-world experience in the Shewmaker Communication Center’s television studio, Carole Lambert Studios, and FM radio station. They also produce a creative senior project and portfolio which represent their accomplishments and growth during their years at Drury.

The Multimedia Production and Journalism Major requires 40 credit hours of coursework. Students are strongly encouraged to find an internship during their time at Drury. All prerequisites must be completed prior to enrollment in the following courses.

Students should complete COMM 211 early in their degree program.

There are numerous extracurricular activities available within the communication department community. KDRU (the student radio station) encourages multimedia production and journalism majors to get involved with the operation of the station from working air shifts to management roles. DUTV (the student TV operation) offers students the opportunity to become involved in television production activities, from producing and directing to operating cameras and building sets. Students also are encouraged to get involved with the other communication department activities like The Mirror (student newspaper), and AD/PR Club.

Students pursuing a major in Multi-Media Production and Journalism may not also major in Strategic Communication, or Organizational and Leadership Communication, or minor in Communication.

Senior Portfolio Requirement

All communication majors, and those planning to declare a major, must keep a file of important assignments completed in communication courses and in the general education program. Items to be placed in the file include any written assignments graded or evaluated by the instructor, written projects, speeches, internship projects and audio/video materials. The contents of the file will be used to develop a senior portfolio, a course requirement in COMM 493 senior seminar. The senior portfolio is a reflective document that provides evidence of a student’s learning achievements and it may be used to facilitate career planning, job search activities and/or admittance to graduate study.


The Communication Department has numerous extracurricular activities available for its students. Our FM radio station, KDRU, broadcasts throughout Springfield and streams worldwide on the Web, providing the opportunity to develop diverse programming. Our television operation, DUTV, has a full studio with the latest production equipment to provide students the opportunity to experience life in front of and behind the camera. And our student newspaper, The Mirror, provides a platform for students to make news and content decisions with real-world implications.

Lambda Pi Eta is our communication honors organization that acknowledges the top tier of students. Organization members coordinate our year-end Communication Department event, Shewmaker Celebrates, and several volunteer in our Speech Communication Center, which helps members of the Drury and Springfield communities prepare for public presentations.