
Drury University’s Dual Credit Program

Drury University > Drury GO > Drury University’s Dual Credit Program

Thank you for choosing Drury University’s Dual Credit Program!

Students, please follow the steps below:
  • All NEW students to Drury’s Dual Credit Program must complete the Dual Credit Student Application.
  • All RETURNING dual credit students may log into their Drury DualEnroll account and register for courses.
    • Parent permission and all dual credit payment occurs in DualEnroll.
Graduates from Drury University in 2022



Drury University offers courses to Missouri high school students in the following ways:
  1. Online: Online courses are offered to students in the fall, spring, and summer semesters at $90/credit hour.
  2. Seated: Seated dual credit courses are offered at the students’ high school during the school day at $70/credit hour.
  3. Payment Options
    • Payment for ALL Dual Credit Courses is made through DualEnroll at the time of student registration and parent/guardian approval.
    • DualEnroll will accept payment via eCheck ($2.00 fee applies/course) or by credit card (3.6% fee applies/course).
    • Drury University is no longer accepting payment for Dual Credit courses.

Textbook Fees

  1. ALL Dual Credit Online math courses require the purchase of an electronic textbook through Pearson/MyMathLab, which is linked to the student’s syllabus. The cost is approximately $80. This fee is in addition to the $90/credit hour cost of the course.
  2. PHYS 100 requires the purchase or semester-long rental of a textbook linked in the student’s syllabus. The cost is approximately $25. This fee is in addition to the $90/credit hour cost of the course.

Drops and Withdrawals

All drops and withdrawals of dual credit courses occur in Drury’s DualEnroll. Students must initiate a drop or withdrawal in DualEnroll by selecting the three vertical dots next to their course registration and choosing “Drop” or “Withdraw” from the option menu. Counselors must approve drops/withdrawals before students are officially dropped/withdrawn from their course(s).

Scholarship and Fund Opportunities

Panther Scholars Fund and MDHEWD Scholarship
Panthers Scholars Fund Process

Panther Scholars Fund Form
Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship

Dual Credit Scholarship
Take Drury Dual Credit courses in high school and earn a renewable $1000 scholarship when you attend Drury University!

Learn More

Associates Program

Drury University’s Dual Credit Program allows high school students the opportunity to earn credit hours towards an associate degree while attending high school. It is recommended the high school student start taking courses towards an AA no later than the summer after their freshman year. Please contact Beth Nation, Drury University Dual Credit Director with questions.

AA in General Studies | AA Degree Process | AA Degree Permission Form


For Dual Credit inquiries, please email

Beth Nation

Director of Dual Credit
(417) 873-7676
Burnham Hall 322

My name is Beth Nation.  I served in public education for 16 years, both as a teacher and high school counselor before joining the Drury GO team as the Dual Credit Director.  Drury’s dual credit program currently serves approximately 120 high schools across the state of Missouri, offering seated dual credit opportunities to students in their high school;  students may also select from 25+ online courses offered through the program. All instructors that teach through the dual credit program have a master’s degree and have been approved by Drury University.

Zoe Radford-Kapp

Dual Credit Strategic Process & Enrollment Specialist
(417) 873-7676
Burnham Hall 322

My name is Zoe Radford-Kapp, and as a recent Drury University graduate, I am here to work closely with students, counselors, and families as I guide them through the dual credit enrollment process. We strive to make Drury Dual Credit a welcoming, easy to navigate experience as high school students challenge themselves and begin exploring their next chapter as college students!