
Office of Academic Affairs Evaluation of Faculty

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Faculty Member's Name

The Office of Academic Affairs independently and primarily evaluates faculty portfolios (as described in Section III.D.1.d, III.D.2.b.1-2, and III.D.2.c.1-3 of the Faculty Handbook) to assess the work of faculty members in achieving the mission and goals of the department and University and in light of the faculty member's specific roles within the institution. The OAA shall submit a recommendation with evidence-based rationale in writing to the President of the University for all faculty who are completing their third year of teaching or for whom a promotion or tenure decision is made. Overwhelming evidence must exist and be duly referenced in the recommendation in order to refute the evaluative narrative developed in the faculty member's portfolio. The OAA and the President shall confer to make a final decision in cases of promotion and tenure to be submitted to the Board of Trustees.