
Guiding Student Success

Drury is committed to every student, and we want to help you have a successful year.

There are a wide variety of reasons why students struggle academically. No two students are identical. Some students need help managing their time, finding tutors, dealing with health issues, or coping with anxiety. Other students need a clearer sense of purpose, sense of direction, or sense of belonging. We want to help you identify what you need to succeed this year, and then chart a path for you to follow. If you would like additional information about probation, extended probation, and suspension, read more about Students in Academic Difficulty here.

To get started:

  • Complete the following online survey, “Guiding Student Success.” Answer all required questions.
  • Contact Jennifer Joslin at (417) 873-6850 or to talk about your situation
  • Consult your academic advisor (copied on this letter) to review your schedule
  • Call an academic advisor (417) 873-3010 in the Compass Center if you are wondering whether your current academic objectives are the right ones or to review your schedule

Thanks for taking time to do this! Students who develop a strong relationship with an advisor or mentor are more likely to succeed academically, and completing this survey is the next step in connecting you with an advisor or mentor who can assist you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Dr. Jennifer Joslin, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
(417) 873-6850

1. Class attendance helps with passing a course and learning the material.
  • List the courses you took last semester.
  • Did you miss any class sessions? If so, estimate how many classes you missed in each of your courses.
2. Time management helps set boundaries between classes and other activities.
Answer questions 4-7 using a scale of 1-5, where
5 = Completely true of me
4 = Very true of me
3 = Moderately true of me
2 = Slightly true of me
1 = Not at all true of me