Since 1981, the center has provided programming for gifted children, their families and educators. Each summer, children from pre-kindergarten through high school attend Drury’s residential and nonresidential pre-college programs: Summer Pals, Summer Quest, Summerscape and Drury Leadership Academy. Drury also hosts Fallscape and Winterscape, yearly day-long enrichment programs for gifted and high ability students.
Mary Potthoff
Director of the Center for Gifted EducationWINTERSCAPE IS FULL
July 7 – 18, 2025
October 12, 2024
July 13 – 20, 2025
February 22, 2025
Our thanks to The Schneider Foundation who support Drury Pre-College Programs and help us reach more students and make an impact in their lives. Their mission is to champion youth to be well-rounded, creative individuals who strive to achieve their fullest potential.
A special thanks to The Mercedes Freeman Smith Education Fund for providing residential scholarships for students to attend Summerscape and Drury Leadership Academy. The fund recognizes the importance of intervention and full immersion in the Drury summer gifted camps.
As part of the Summer Quest, Summerscape and Drury Leadership Academy Family, you have many ways to make an incredible impact. Your participation and/or donation helps future students enjoy the camp experience as you did. We value your support and investment in camp and want to make sure you have the resources to make your gift as easy as possible.
Make your credit card gift online. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Be sure to designate Drury Pre-College Programs: Quest, Scape and DLA.
Make a secure credit card gift over the phone by contacting the Office of University Advancement at (417) 873-7258 or email, be sure to specify your donation is for Drury Pre-College Programs: Quest, Scape and DLA.
Mail your gift to:
Drury University
900 N. Benton Ave
Springfield MO 65802
Specify your donation is for Drury Pre-College Programs: Quest, Scape and DLA.
A gift to student camp scholarships can open up a world of opportunity to current and future students. Scholarships create life-changing opportunities and make a direct impact on a student’s future.
To give to a scholarship or create a scholarship in the name of a loved one, please contact the Office of University Advancement at (417) 873-7826 or email