
Summerscape & Drury Leadership Academy General Information

Drury University > The Center for Gifted Education > Summerscape & Drury Leadership Academy General Information

Camp is July 12-22

We will now be offering 4 evening activities: 3 online and 1 on Drury’s campus! 

Join us July 13, 15, 20, and 22 for experiences unlike any in camp’s 30 plus-year history. The world has changed, and so must we. Help us dig through our rich history, unearth the stone of our many traditions and, finally, help us carve out a future that will lay the groundwork for camp for years to come. We need campers both seasons and new to be part of this exciting project. Are you up for going down in history, and shaping the future? Sign up with the Residential Application AND Release documents. It is free if you register for class, $25 for all 4 nights.

Drury Center for Gifted Education

Drury University in Springfield, Missouri, provides one of the oldest and most complete pre-college programs for gifted children in the state of Missouri. Two residential programs, Summerscape and Drury Leadership Academy (DLA) on Drury’s campus, are internationally recognized and attended.

No residential living available for 2021

Students may attend one or two classes in Summerscape or DLA and not participate in after class activities. All DLA classes earn each student one hour of college credit if no class time is missed and you receive a B or higher.


Summerscape is a summer program for gifted students who are currently enrolled in grades 6, 7 and 8.  Gifted students are offered an opportunity to enhance their areas of interest, to investigate new ideas and to interact with their peers in a caring, safe, and fun learning environment.  Besides participating in courses not offered in most schools, students familiarize themselves with life on a university campus. For 2021 classes meet Monday – Friday the first week and Monday – Thursday the second week. No Open House. Please check the information you receive after you register for times and locations.

Since its foundation in 1981, Summerscape has earned an excellent reputation for providing quality gifted education experiences.  We look forward to you joining us for a challenging, rewarding educational experience.  Classes meet 9  to noon and 1-4 pm.

Dates & Times

Summerscape, July 12 – 22, 2021 


Pre-College Programs

Drury University
900 N. Benton Avenue, Lay Hall 103
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 873-7386

Mary Potthoff – Director, Center for Gifted Education
Brandi Klepper, Psy.D. – Resident Psychologist
Lori Herring – Director, Summer Pals
Janice Hampton – Director, Summer Quest
Beth Nickle – Activity Director
Betsy Cannella – Summerscape Residential Coordinator
Chance Kirchhof – DLA Residential Coordinator
Helen Oke-Thomas- On-Call Nurse

Drury University Pre-College Programs extends appreciation to the following organizations and individuals for scholarship and operational contributions.

Mercedes Freeman Smith Memorial Education Fund
The Schneider Foundation
Drury University
Pre-College Board of Directors

Drury Leadership Academy

The Drury Leadership Academy is carefully planned for college-bound students who have completed the freshman, sophomore, or junior year in high school.  The objective of DLA is to provide students with opportunities to learn about and practice leadership skills which will enhance their quality of life and prepare them to assume future leadership roles in our society.  The Academy curriculum is a pre-college curriculum designed to use logic and reason to analyze complex issues, to communicate clearly, to weigh decisions with balanced perspectives, to accept responsibility, and to care about others.  The intensive two-week program provides a strong preparation for college classes and residential life in a supportive environment that encourages personal growth.  Classes meet Monday – Friday the first week and Monday-Thursday the second week. No Open House. Classes meet at 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

DLA students may enroll for 1 hour of college credit (at no additional cost) for each class, on the first day of class.

Dates & Times

Classes meet 9:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Drury Leadership Academy, July 12 – 22, 2021 (No classes Saturday and Sunday)

Pre-College Programs

Drury University
900 N. Benton Avenue, Lay Hall 103
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 873-7386

Mary Potthoff – Director, Center for Gifted Education
Brandi Klepper, Psy.D. – Resident Psychologist
Lori Herring – Director, Summer Pals
Janice Hampton – Director, Summer Quest
Beth Nickle – Activity Director
Betsy Cannella – Summerscape Residential Coordinator
Chance Kirchhof – DLA Residential Coordinator
Helen Oke-Thomas- On-Call Nurse